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Service Timings


Venue: Morello Hall, 6th floor, Holy Family Hospital, Hill Road, Bandra West. Mumbai - 400050
Time: Every Sunday, 10:00 AM onwards

Venue: Provincialate Hall, St Paul's Media Complex, Bandra West. Mumbai - 400050
Time: Every Sunday, 4:30 PM onwards

We Care

We are a praying people. The Prayer Eagles (our dedicated team of intercessors) are always eager to stand with you and believe for your breakthrough. From the smallest of prayer requests to the mega miracles, your church family will join in faith with you to see God change your circumstances and bring His will to pass in your life.

Urgent Help

The church is not just about Sunday services. Our church family is there to help and support you during the week too. In case of an emergency situation, a financial crisis, hospitalisation or the likes, we’re only a phone call away. Get in touch with us at the church office and we will ensure that the right people and help are promptly sent your way. What’s more, our prayer team will also get on the job before you know it

Pastoral Care

Whether it’s challenging situations, relationship issues or even spiritual questions, all of us need a little help during those difficult seasons of our life. Our team of committed pastors and elders are there for you, to see you through those times. They will meet with you, hear your story, pray for you and offer you counsel and practical guidance based on the Word of God. So if you need help, don’t hesitate to call.


We at NLC Bandra want your wedding day to be a beautiful, joyous and memorable occasion; and yes, we solemnise marriages! But apart from that, we also want to help you and your spouse-to-be become equipped for a lifetime of love and togetherness with Christ at the centre. So if you are planning to walk down the aisle soon,  we’d encourage you to take advantage of our pre-marriage couple counselling.

Water Baptism

When you decide to take that step of obedience and make a public declaration of your faith, we want to stand with you. After you have registered to be water baptised, we will organise a four-week-long Bible foundation course that will help you get ready to enter the waters of baptism. Our leadership will then baptise you in the presence of your family/ friends/ other church members. It’s most certainly an occasion to celebrate!


We are a praying people. The Prayer Eagles (our dedicated team of intercessors) are always eager to stand with you and believe for your breakthrough. From the smallest of prayer requests to the mega miracles, your church family will join in faith with you to see God change your circumstances and bring His will to pass in your life.